Graph and REST
1. Use Graph
This way needs album id to upload a photo within a album.
Bundle params = new Bundle();
Uri uri = (from somewhere)
byte[] data = null;
InputStream is = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
data = new byte[is.available()];;
if (data != null) {
params.putString("message", "test");
params.putByteArray("source", data);
String response = Facebook.request(ALBUM_ID/photos, params, "POST");
2. Use REST
This doesn't need a album id, instead it creates a album with your application name if there doesn't exist one.
Bundle params = new Bundle();
Uri uri = (from somewhere)
byte[] data = null;
InputStream is = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
data = new byte[is.available()];;
if (data != null) {
params.putString("method", "photos.upload");
params.putByteArray("picture", data);
String response = Facebook.request(null, params, "POST");